Amplifying the African Goat

Goats are dynamic animals, whose success is related to their excellent adaptability to difficult conditions, high foraging potential, versatile habits, high production considering their size, and good productivity. They are also extremely intelligent animals, very agile, and independent, with a high level of resistance to diseases, much better than other ruminant species. The African variants […]

Enjoy Versatile Seafood Delicacies

Africa is a gift that keeps giving. The continent’s surrounding seas: the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea provide the continent an impressive variety of different marine ecosystems, near-shore environments, and the miraculous water biodiversity that ensures an endless supply of seafood for consumption. Africa loves seafood; the ubiquitous […]

The King of Herbs

Africa is typically seen as the importing continent. Sub-Saharan Africa’s spiraling food import bill—which stood at $43 billion in 2019, has continued to attract mounting attention as a worrisome trend. However, Africa is exporting too. While we look forward to a future where Africa makes full use of its unutilized arable land to achieve food […]

Unity Blend of Spice

Cuisine is no longer local. What starts as delicious food enjoyed in one region has evolved into sought-after dishes at the international level; albeit with countries now localizing specific characteristics. For instance, the Japanese ramen is a popular noodle soup enjoyed in Asia, that has been exported to other parts of the world. In Africa, […]

A Taste of Africa

African cuisine is yet to take its place on the global stage. For so long, the level of internationalization of most African cuisines has remained low. When accepted internationally, food is a cultural commodity that helps to promote cultures globally. Asides from the cultural nuances, African cuisine can promote gastronomic tourism, generate foreign earnings through […]